Hire DevTrends

DevTrends (Paul Hiles) is available for hire for web based .NET related work.

What services do you offer?

I provide web based application development using Microsoft technologies and the C# programming language. I specialise in Microsoft Azure, ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET Razor Pages and Web API.

You can hire me to complement your existing team or alternatively, you can allow me to deliver the project in its entirety. I have a team of UK based trusted professionals who can be called on for larger projects.

How much do you charge?

My standard rate is £275 per half day.

If you have a particularly exciting project, there may be some flexibility in price.

What is the minimum contract duration?

Projects typically last 3-12 months but you can hire me for as little as half a day.

What services do you offer?

I focus on Microsoft powered web sites and web based applications written in C#.

Example projects include:

Can you work on-site at our offices?

No. I only offer remote consultation. I make use of VPN's, VOIP, IM and Screen Sharing to facilitate first class communication between team members.

Do you take over failing projects?

No. I only work with existing projects when either a complete rewrite is required or the project is very early in its development. I do not do maintenance work for applications that I have not developed.

Do you do fixed rate contracts?

Fixed rate projects do not tend to work well with agile software development. Therefore I only consider signing fixed rate contracts for smaller projects.

Where Next?

If you have further questions or if you would like to discuss hiring me for your next project, please get in touch.